Hello! I am an assistant professor of economics at the School of Management and Economics and Shenzhen Finance Institute of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen.
My research fields are macroeconomics and development.
I teach introductory macroeconomics and development economics (both at undergraduate level).
Download my CV here.
Email: martinshu@cuhk.edu.cn
Landline: (+86) 755-84273457
Office: 915, Teaching Complex D
2001 Longxiang Boulevard, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518115

Working Papers
"Is Electricity a Weak Link in Development?" [paper]
With Jonathan Colmer and David Lagakos
"Selection, Structural Transformation, and the Cost Disease of Services" [paper]
Revision requested at American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics
"Possibility of Consumer Inspection and Quality of Experience Goods" [paper]
With Yuk-fai Fong and Xiaoxuan Meng
"The Role of Micro Data in Understanding Structural Transformation" with David Lagakos, Oxford Development Studies, 2023 [paper] [working paper]
Work in Progress
"Occupational Dynasties and Economic Development"
With Siddharth George and David Lagakos
"Selection, Structural Transformation, and Top Income Inequality"
With Xitong Hui